Smart Source Printable Coupons Offers Instant Savings!
Printable coupons offers instant savings.if you follow these tips,they can minimize your aggravation.This post will be updated on a continuing basis with links to companies using SmartSource as their coupon distributer.An increasing number of coupon companies offer printable coupons that require your to download a small program to your computer to print the coupon. SmartSource is one coupon distributor that has a coupon printer program you need to download. The coupon printer program ensures that each computer gets to print out only the amount of coupons allowed,and often generates an identifying code or tracking number.
SmartSource Terms of Usage Not So Smart?
Although some Canadian Companies use Smart Source as their coupon distributer,the terms of usage on the SmartSource coupon page state:
“All materials, coupons, and offers are intended for the U.S. market only and each coupon/offer has its own restriction."
I contacted one Canadian company using Smart Source as their coupon distributer for clarification.and I am waiting for a reply.
Printable Coupons Pros and Cons
There are advantages,and disadvantages to printable coupons.
Printable Coupon Advantages
The main advantage of printable coupons for consumers is getting savings right away,rather than waiting for the coupons to arrive in the mail. Manufacturers might benefit from savings in coupon distribution.
Printable Coupon Disadvantages
On the down side of printable coupons, is the cost of paper,ink,and electricity,as well as the need for a computer. Often stores are reluctant to honour coupons printed at home on your computer, Be sure you use a link on he actual company site rather than printing from a coupon site to be sure you are printing a valid coupon.An added disadvantage of printable coupons that work only with a coupon printer program, is they cannot be accessed on public computers.
Smart Source Printable Coupon Tips
- Printing SmartSource coupons requires the SmartSource Printer Java applet.
Users who have never printed SmartSource coupons before, will be presented with installation instructions afar they click the 'Print Coupon' button. - Users who have printed coupons from SmartSource can
simply press the Print Coupons button to get their coupons.
Remember, to avoid problems be sure to follow the steps below:
- First update your computer to the latest version of Java. You can find the most updated version at
- Next turn your printer on.
- Then, load your paper.
- Finally, click the ‘Print Coupon’ button.
SmartSource Printable Coupon Links
I am starting to compile a list of companies offering Smart Source Printable Coupons. Please check back often for updates.:
Happy Savings!
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