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Jul 26, 2009

Money in Your Mailbox: A Rebate Database Search Hundreds of Rebates by Manufacturer Name or Product Category and Save $$$ At it's easy to find rebate forms in their list of printable rebates.Type in the name of something you're thinking of purchasing. Hit "Enter". Voila- there's a list of rebates.

What I wish my mailbox looked like every day.... by mcbill.What is a Rebate? Rebates are similar to coupons, but instead of the store owner sending them in,you mail them in to a rebate centre. The rebate centre in turn mails you a check. Rebates are usually available on large ticket items, but I have seen rebates for items under $20(Physician's Formula Makeup)

How Rebates Work: Purchase the product. Keep your receipt. Mail in your receipt,and the rebate form. The company mails you a check

A Word of Caution: Read rebate forms carefully! Some rebates are done in partnership with specific stores.(ie Staples, Wal-Mart, etc.) Make sure you follow all the rules for the rebate, so you don't waste your stamps.

In the past, finding rebates has been hit and miss for me I might chance upon a sticker on a product in a store, or not even notice the rebate until after I'd thrown out the receipt.. Now with the Searchable database, I can factor rebates into my comparison shopping. Please add any rebate tips you have by clicking on "Comments". We're all in this together and I'm pullin' for ya!

Photo Courtesy of Bill McBain's Photo Stream

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